
Safety Engineering

Beyond Unreasonable Risk By Applying State of the Art Engineering Practices

Safety Engineering

System/Software Hazard Analysis
Safety is required not as an option but as a must in safety-critical industries such as automotive, aerospace, nuclear energy, and medical fields.
From initial system development phase, safety-critical system requires the identification activities of System/SW potential Hazard and risk assessment. Hazard analysisapplies various analysis methodologies such as Preliminary Hazard List (PHL), Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), System Hazard Analysis (SHA), Subsystem Hazard Analysis (SSHA), HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study), HARA(Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment) in accordance with system scale and analysis purpose.
SOLUTIONLINK provides the various hazard identification methodologies which are based on many relevanthazard analysis experiences in public domains (aviation, railway, police / security)and automotive domain(Powertrain, Body, Infotainment system etc.) in order to prevent and minimize system malfunction. In addition to, SOLUTIONLINK also enables guide and coaching to facilitate the systematic assessment of identified hazard risk.
Safety Concept & Safety Requirements Specification
Safety Concept / Safety Requirements / Safety Mechanism
After hazard analysis, it requires the safety concept development activities in order to establish the high level strategies for prevention and detection / reaction of identified hazard and detail safety requirements development activities. Safety requirements specify System/HW/SW safety requirements according to requirements abstraction levels, above all it requires precise requirements specification through the selection of proper safety mechanism during each safety design and development phase.
SOLUTIONLINKsupports optimized the safety concept development strategies on the basis of various safety system developments experiences andthe requirements specification methods (requirements identification, requirements patterns etc.) considering requirements engineering and safety analysis method. Furthermore, SOLUTIONLINKenables customers to identify safety mechanisms already incorporated in applicable system and guiding them in new safety mechanism development.
Safety architecture design and safety mechanism design
Safety Architecture / Safety Mechanism / SysML, UML
In order to achieve system safety, the development of safety focused system architecture is the essential activity addressing the ever-increasing system complexity. System safety architecture development is proceed by the allocation of system safety requirements and then performed by system safety architectural element development which applies detail safety mechanism to satisfy safety requirement and safety goal.
SOLUTIONLINK offers reference safety architecture and safety mechanisms along with product experts having minimum 10 years of relevant experience and guides customers with methodologies that can solidly incorporate such safety mechanisms into system/HW/SW architectures. Furthermore, SOLUTIONLINK provides training and support for architecture representation (SysML, UML etc.)
System/hardware/software safety analysis
FMEA / FTA / Common Cause Analysis / Dependent Failure Analysis / STPA
Safety-critical system requires inductive and deductive approaches for analyzing the safety of system in addition to traditional system development activity. As these two approaches have been utilized for a long time, various standards and methodologies for actual practice are available in different versions. Therefore, many engineers are at a loss due to not knowing which standard to apply.
SOLUTIONLINK provides FMEA, FTA procedures and various safety analyses (Common Cause Analysis, Dependent Failure Analysis etc.) - adopted by most European OEM customers as de-facto standards - with safety analyses tools. In addition, if safety analysis requires a lot of time and efforts due to the scale and complexity of applicable system, SOLUTIONLINK performs safety analysis of applicable system on a turnkey basis and provide final results so that developers can proceed with focus on product development.
We support the introduction and application of STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis) technique, a newly proposed safety analysis technique, for complex systems that are experiencing limitations in risk derivation with existing safety analysis techniques.
System safety analysis
System Safety Analysis
Criticality of safety has grown over more. Accordingly, it is now important to understand the safety level of a product under development and identify its vulnerabilities for continuous improvement. For product safety analysis, SOLUTIONLINK enables customers to analyze the stability of their product in an efficient and less-time-consuming manner by harnessing reverse engineering techniques on the basis of safety standards applicable to specific product domains such as IEC61508, ISO26262, or ISO14971, and the like.
Safety Of The Intended Functionality
The age of autonomous driving is drawing increasingly nearer to us and we will see numerous HAVs (Highly automated vehicles) & AVs (Autonomous vehicles) on the road in the future. However, if the functions of HAVs & AVs fail to operate as intended, they may result in safety issues posing critical threats to human safety and we have already heard of not a few incidents where autonomous vehicles were responsible for accidents in the past several years. While ISO26262 series concern hazards resulting from vehicle malfunctions, the Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) focuses on the safety of intended functionality of HAVs & AVs. The SOTIF is scheduled to officially released under the title of ISO PAS 21448 “SOTIF – Safety Of The Intended Functionality” in January, expected to provide safety standards and guides for HAVs & AVs and thus likely to significantly affect OEM makers, parts suppliers, and technology developers in connection with autonomous driving.
With its sterling technological reputation as the first ISO26262-specialized consulting firm of Korea providing automotive consulting services for over 10 years up to now, SOLUTIONLINK enables customers with specific methodologies for performing SOTIF HARA, developing SOTIF concept, applying SOTIF measures, developing SOTIF verification & validation strategies and test specifications, etc. with correct understanding of SOTIF and the mega trend of autonomous driving.
Autonomous driving
Fail Operational Architecture
Conventional ISO26262 projects have developed fail-safe-based safety architectures to bring a vehicle into safe modes by switching off faulty function(s) of the affected vehicle. In contrast, an autonomous driving system requires a fail-operational architecture to be adopted essentially to ensure that applicable function continues to operate rather than being switched off even when the system malfunctions. In particular, a variety of SOTIF measures available in SOTIF (ISO PAS 21448 SOTIF) standard including sensors, algorithms, and actuators need to be effectively selected and applied in accordance with a consistent fail-operational safety strategy and architecture.
Harnessing its consulting experiences covering a wide range of automotive domains (powertrain, body, ADAS, and the like), SOLUTIONLINK consults on how to develop a safety strategy and concept and develop a fail-operational safety architecture accordingly in conformance to applicable SAE level of driving automation.
AI testing
Safety Engineering for AI
AI-based high-risk systems such as autonomous vehicle or autonomous robot need to be extensively verified and validated as they may result in severe hazards if malfunctioning. However, it is difficult to apply conventional test methods to verify the current AI technologies relying on training techniques such as deep learning methodology as the test methods are based on requirements specifications that define input-output relations. Since AI systems are “trained” on learning data, it is difficult to specify input-output requirements for such systems in most cases.
An exploratory test method may be a solution to such issues. The exploratory test method creates a broad range of test cases by extracting/combining input areas of an AI system and automatically iterates applicable outcomes, analyzing risks through statistical assessment and enabling extensive verification even with a less-than-sufficient requirements specification.
Resilience Engineering
Resilience Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
As AI-enabled advanced autonomous control extends its reach to cover not only means of transportation such as automobile and railroad but also other social infrastructure such as port/road, and the like, severe hazards may result from malfunction/fault/disruption of the con system. To address such issues of the cyber-physical system, SOLUTIONLINK offers systematic approaches to analysis and design of safety/reliability/recoverability that consider the features of autonomous control for physical environment.